
What is being analysed here?

Vancomycin is being analysed. It is an antibiotic belonging to the glycopeptide group. It is used to treat severe infections caused by vancomycin-sensitive gram-positive bacteria.

What does the analysis of vancomycin evaluate?

This analysis evaluates the concentration of vancomycin in the blood serum.

What does the result mean?

The result indicates the amount of vancomycin present in the blood. If it falls within the therapeutic range, it is effective in combating the infection. Values outside the range may be ineffective or toxic.

Why is the analysis of vancomycin carried out?

It is analysed to adjust the dosage and ensure effective therapy, and to help patients at risk of endocarditis after major surgery.

When is the analysis of vancomycin carried out?

Before administration to ensure appropriate dosing, as well as during treatment to monitor levels and prevent toxicity.

Is any sample required?

A venous blood sample is needed.

Is any special preparation required?

No specific preparation is necessary.

How is it administered?

Vancomycin is administered intravenously.

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