Vídeos del Mr Sherif Awad

Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery FAQS with Bariatric Surgeon Sherif Awad


Tonic Weight Loss Surgery's Leading Bariatric Surgeon, Sherif Awad answers your Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery FAQs. We pride ourselves in providing the most comprehensive support package around you after your procedure. Weight Loss Surgery itself is simply a tool to help you lose weight, our aftercare team work with you to make sure this is as effective as possible in your weight loss journey. At Tonic we are the only provider to offer a Premium 2-5 Year Aftercare service to ensure you get the results you desire and deserve from your procedure. Our Premium Aftercare Package includes; - Personal Trainer - Personal Dietitian - Private Psychotherapist - On Call Nurse - Bariatric Surgeon Direct Telephone For more information on Weight Loss Surgery please visit our website or get in touch to arrange a free consultation with one of our expert bariatric surgery specialists. http://www.tonicweightlosssurgery.co.uk/

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