Goring Hall Hospital - part of Circle Health Group

Goring Hall Hospital - part of Circle Health Group 0808 3048 913 Bodiam Ave, Goring-by-Sea, Worthing BN12 5AT
5 5 1 369
(369) valoraciones verificadas

Centro especializado en:

ортопедическая хирур�... тазобедренный коленный Нога и лодыжка Катаракта Рука и запястье Хирургия желчного пуз... Плечо и локоть Общая хирургия Грыжа

Por qué es un centro médico de primer nivel

Goring Hall Hospital, part of Circle Health Group, is a leading private hospital in Goring-by-Sea, Worthing, UK that provides high-quality healthcare to patients in Worthing, Pulborough, Horsham and beyond.

Opened in 1994, the centre attracts more than 120 consultants across a wide range of specialist areas including general surgery, orthopaedics and ophthalmology, who are able to perform expert diagnostic care and procedures such as hip, knee, shoulder and ankle joint replacement as well as cataract surgery, hernia repair and gall bladder surgery in a safe and premium hospital environment.

Patients at Goring Hall Hospital will have access to modern equipment and facilities of the highest standards, which at the moment, comprise of 9 consulting rooms, an ophthalmic suite and 3 pre-assessment rooms. There is a diagnostics and imaging department where patients have fast access to MRI, CT scanning, X-Ray and Ultrasound. The hospital has 52 registered beds, 3 operating theatres (2 with laminar flow), a JAG-accredited endoscopy suite, a recovery unit and more.

Patients can book consultations easily online through our website and also over the phone. We accept patients privately and cover all major insurance providers. Patients who are paying for their treatment themselves can benefit from our flexible payment options through Chrysalis Finance.

Goring Hall Hospital is situated on the coast of Worthing and built on extensive grounds with direct views of the sea and courtyard, ensuring a relaxed and tranquil ambience for patients.

El centro

Goring Hall Hospital - part of Circle Health Group

Bodiam Ave, Goring-by-Sea, Worthing BN12 5AT, Goring-by-Sea, West Sussex

Seguros médicos compatibles con este centro

Alliance Health Group
See more

Imágenes del centro

Cuadro médico del centro

Mr Daniel Baird


Эксперт в области:

Хирургическое лечени�... Хирургическое лечени�... Ремонт лапароскопиче�... Хирургическое лечени�... Трещина заднего прохо... Emorroidi
Mr Andrew Moore



Эксперт в области:

Нарушения функций щит... Хирургические операц�... Рак головы и шеи Тиннитус Синусит Потеря слуха
Mr Edward Dawe


Эксперт в области:

Хирургические операц�... Плантарный фасциит Вальгусная деформаци�... Ахиллово сухожилие Протез голеностопног�... Малоинвазивные техно�...
Mr Koushik Ghosh


Эксперт в области:

Спортивные травмы явл... Артроскопия коленног�... Протезирование колен�... Замена бедренного сус... Остеотомии является с... Пателлофеморальные р�...

PIDE CITA AHORA: El servicio de gestión de cita es gratuito

Book directly with a consultant at this Hospital below

Mr Daniel Baird
Mr Andrew Moore
Mr Edward Dawe
Mr Koushik Ghosh
Professor Mahmood Bhutta

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