10 Медицинские статьи на тему Детская психиатрия Более 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Anxiety in children: a guide for parents

If a parent notices signs of anxiety in their child, this understandably raises concern and worry for their child’s well-being, It's important to recognise that anxiety is a common emotional response to stress, but when it becomes persistent and affects daily life, it may require attention and support. Leading consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr Carolina Schneider provides a guide to anxiety in children, including what it entails, how it manifests, and what steps parents can take to support their child through it.

ADHD in children: Your questions answered

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a condition characterised by a persistent pattern of behavioural symptoms that affect daily functioning and development. Here, Dr Anthony Crabb, consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist, provides a comprehensive insight into ADHD in children, discussing symptoms and treatments among other important points.

Tackling hard questions about the pandemic from young people

Answering questions from children and teenagers about the pandemic can be an intimidating task for parents. We asked Dr Jon Goldin, a highly esteemed consultant in child and adolescent psychiatry, for advice on offering reassurance whilst explaining difficult truths in this first article of a series on coronavirus and mental health.

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Детская психиатрия

Prepare your child or adolescent for psychiatric care

Child and adolescent psychiatrists are specialist qualified doctors who have finished medicine and then focused and specialized in emotional, cognitive and behavioural problems. If your child requires psychiatric care, you may not know how to approach it. In this article, Dr Maite Ferrin explains all about this process so that you and your child can feel more at ease about upcoming psychiatric care.

Childhood behavioural disorders and how to positively treat them

There is a large range of reasons for unruly behaviour, and it can be difficult to know whether a child or teenager’s difficult behaviour is “normal” or a sign of an underlying issue. Dr Maite Ferrin, a consultant in child and adolescent psychiatry, clarifies what to look out for and how to deal with behavioural problems in a positive manner.

What do I do if my child is being bullied? Tips for parents.

It can be hard to know if your child's being bullied at school, and even if you do know, it can be hard to know what to do in that situation. Maite Ferrin, a child and adolescent psychiatrist at Re:Cognition Health in London, shares with us some tips for parents on what to do if their child is being bullied.

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