466 Медицинские статьи на тему гинекология Более 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Transvaginal ultrasound: your questions answered

A transvaginal ultrasound is a diagnostic procedure where a probe is inserted into the vagina to obtain detailed images of the uterus, ovaries, and pelvic organs using sound waves. Renowned consultant gynaecologist and obstetrician Mrs Pradnya Pisal explains what happens during the procedure, alternatives and any questions you may have.

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Редакция Top Doctors

Endometriosis and its treatment

Endometriosis is a chronic condition in which tissue similar to the lining inside the uterus, called the endometrium, starts to grow outside the uterus. This can cause pain, inflammation and the formation of scar tissue. Leading laparoscopic surgeon and a consultant gynaecologist Mr Chellappah Gnanachandran (Mr Gnana) provides a detailed insight into this condition and its different treatment methods.  

Thoracic endometriosis: explained

Thoracic endometriosis involves the presence of endometrial tissue in the lungs or chest cavity, causing symptoms like chest pain, coughing blood, and shortness of breath, often linked to menstrual cycles. Distinguished consultant gynaecologist and advanced laparoscopic surgeon Mr Hemant Niranjan Vakharia provides an overview to the condition, including its complications and diagnosis.

Comprehensive guide to vaginal cysts

Vaginal cysts, originating from various glands and tissues, are common yet varied in their impact and treatment needs. From Bartholin's gland cysts to rare cases like vaginal or vulval cancer, recognising symptoms and early intervention through regular gynaecological care are crucial for maintaining women's health. In her latest online article, Ms Sangeeta Khinder explores the different types of vaginal cysts and their management strategies to ensure optimal well-being.

The connection between adenomyosis and lower back pain in women

Adenomyosis is a common gynaecological condition characterised by the presence of endometrial tissue within the uterine wall. In this article, leading consultant gynaecologist Mr Mahantesh Karoshi explores potential mechanisms underlying this connection and discusses managing lower back pain in women with adenomyosis.

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Редакция Top Doctors

From symptoms to safety: A complete pregnancy guide

Becoming pregnant is a profound experience, accompanied by a range of physical changes and symptoms. While most of these are normal aspects of pregnancy, it's important to be aware of potential signs that may indicate underlying issues requiring medical attention. Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding common symptoms, essential tests, and when to consult a healthcare provider during pregnancy.

Understanding prenatal diagnosis: Techniques, benefits, and ethical considerations

Prenatal diagnosis involves medical procedures and tests conducted during pregnancy to detect genetic disorders, birth defects, or other conditions in the fetus. These assessments help expectant parents make informed decisions about their pregnancy and potential interventions. Leading consultant in obstetrics and maternal and foetal medicine Dr Panicos Shangaris explains everything you need to know about prenatal diagnosis.

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