Artículos del centro: Surrey Orthopaedic Clinic Более 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

The most common hand and wrist injuries in sport

Most sports, particularly those involving balls and rackets involve some kind of contact with the hands and fingers. Some sports such as basketball or netball are prone to more hand injuries. It’s quite easy to injure, fracture or dislocate the fingers or knuckles with these sports. If pain and swelling don’t go away after a few days of rest, ice and anti-inflammatories, you should have your fingers or hand checked with an x-ray. Injured joints can stiffen very quickly, and once stiff, are difficult to get back to normal. Orthopaedic surgeon Miss Tanaya Sarkhel tells us more about common hand and wrist injuries.

Epidural for chronic back pain: is it worth it?

The good news is that, in most cases, back pain episodes rarely need a trip to see a doctor. However, if relief is needed from persistent chronic back pain then injections are an option. Pain management specialist Dr Giancarlo Camilleri explains why he thinks epidurals for back pain are an outdated approach and what alternatives are available.

Is working in an office giving you tennis elbow?

We know that office work makes us sedentary, not to mention causing back problems in the long-term. Did you know it can cause elbow problems as well? In this article we asked experienced consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Ioannis Polyzois to explain how tennis elbow can affect office workers – and what you can do about it.

Treating your hand nerve irritation

Carpal tunnel syndrome affects the median nerve in the wrist and hand, causing stiffness, reduced hand movement and discomfort. It is fairly common in adults and can be treated, either at home, or medically, depending on the severity. However, in some circumstances, diagnosis will show that what is suspected to be carpal tunnel syndrome, turns out to be another condition. Miss Tanaya Sarkhel, an experienced orthopaedic surgeon, discusses treatment options for hand nerve irritation.

Recommended back pain treatments: a complete guide

If you have chronic back pain, you have probably tried lots of different ways to find pain relief, whether it be stretching, physical exercise, bed rest or painkillers. However, knowing which treatments are safe and medically-approved can be confusing. Here, Dr Giancarlo Camilleri, a pain management expert of the Surrey Orthopaedic Clinic, summarises what NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) recommends.

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