FAQs: ultrasound scans

Escrito por: Dr Michael Webb-Peploe
Editado por: Bronwen Griffiths

Ultrasound scans create a picture of internal body parts using sound waves of a frequency that are outside the audible range of the human ear. During an ultrasound, a small hand-held sensor is pressed against the surface of the body and generates sound waves which then picks up any reflecting echoes from surfaces and tissues within internal organs. The sensor is usually moved over the skin to ensure the organ is viewed from different angles. The images created display on a monitor screen and are recorded for further examination.

Dr Michael Webb-Peploe, a leading cardiologist, answers the most frequently asked questions about ultrasound scans, in particular, abdominal ultrasound scans.

What does the scan look at?

If the ultrasound scan is of the upper abdominal area, then the internal organs imaged include the kidneys, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, spleen and the abdominal aorta. An upper abdominal scan does not image the bowel.

Are there any risks involved?

There are no known risks of ultrasound scans, and they are considered as a very safe investigative procedure.

Do I need to make any special preparation in advance?

To get the most out of the scan, it is advised to not eat or drink for four hours before the scheduled scan. If you do need to drink something, have small sips of water. In addition, it is advised that you wear a two-piece outfit to make the procedure as comfortable as possible.

What happens during the ultrasound scan?

During the scan, either a radiologist or a sonographer will ask certain questions regarding your health and symptoms in question. For the duration of the scan you will be asked to lie down on an examination table. Usually, the lights in the examination room are dimmed so that the images on the monitor can be viewed clearly. Next, a special gel is applied to your skin in the area being scanned. This gel enables the sensor to slide easily over the skin, producing clearer images.

In some scans, you may be asked to turn onto your side, lie flat on your stomach or to stand up. This could be to produce better images of certain organs. If you need help with these positions, support will be given. You may also be asked to take several deep breaths or to hold your breath for a few seconds.

Throughout the scan, the technician performing the ultrasound will be sat or stood next to you as they move the sensor over your skin. Simultaneously they will be reviewing the images produced on the monitor and recording selected images for later examination. Once the scan is finished, the gel will be wiped off and you will be free to get dressed.

Will the scan be uncomfortable?

There is no pain or discomfort associated with ultrasound scans, however, if the scan is to investigate potential causes for abdominal or pelvic pain, then any pressure applied to the skin over an inflamed organ could cause some pain. However, this temporary pain would be no worse than that experienced during a physical examination by your doctor.

How long will an ultrasound scan take?

On average, an ultrasound scan lasts between 10-15 minutes. If there are any delays, you can expect to stay no longer than 40 minutes within the department.

Are there any side effects from ultrasound scans?

There are no side effects following an ultrasound scan. You will be able to drive home afterwards and return to work or normal activities. Also, you will be able to eat and drink normally following the scan.


If you have any other queries about ultrasound scans or require one yourself, make an appointment with an expert.

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Dr Michael Webb-Peploe

Por Dr Michael Webb-Peploe
кардиология для взрослых

Доктор Майкл Уэбб-Пепло является уважаемым кардиологом из Лондонской медицинской клинической клиники в столице, который проявляет особый интерес к ишемической болезни сердца, гипертонии (повышенному кровяному давлению), сердечной недостаточности и интервенционной кардиологии.

Доктор Вебб-Пепло провел медицинское образование в Тринити-колледже, Кембридже и больнице Св. Томаса в Лондоне. Он прошел курс аспирантуры в больнице Королевского Бромптона, Королевской больнице Южного Хантс, Саутгемптоне, Клинике Майо в Рочестере, США, и в больнице Хаммерсмит (Королевская последипломная медицинская школа). Доктор Вебб-Пепло был назначен врачом в отделении сердца в больнице Сент-Томаса с 1971 по 1997 год. Он также был директором по инвазивной кардиологии для кардиоторакальной группы в больницах Гай и Сент-Томас NHS Trust с 1997 по 2000 год.

С 1978 по 2000 год д-р Вебб-Пепло был назначен почетным гражданским консультантом-кардиологом британской армии. Он был консультантом-консультантом по кардиологии Главному медицинскому сотруднику Департамента здравоохранения. Доктор Вебб-Пепло был консультантом-кардиологом (локусом) в больницах Гай и Сент-Томас «NHS Trust», к которым он теперь является почетным и почетным консультантом-кардиологом в больнице.

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