Dr Hui-Leng Tan esperta in:
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Dr Hui-Leng Tan is a consultant paediatric in respiratory and sleep medicine based in London. Her area of expertise lies in non-invasive ventilation and children with sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). She practises at the Royal Brompton Hospital and works closely with the paediatric long-term ventilation and adult sleep teams.
Dr Tan studied medicine at the University of Cambridge and completed her general paediatric training at Addensbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge and at the Children’s Hospital in Birmingham. She completed her thesis on airway inflammation in cystic fibrosis patients at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London. Dr Tan completed her paediatric respiratory medicine training at Royal Brompton and Great Ormond Street Hospitals.
She received a Fellowship from the European Respiratory Society and went to the University of Chicago to study developments in clinical paediatric sleep medicine. Dr Tan also participated in research into sleep-disordered breathing in children.
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