St Edmunds Hospital - part of Circle Health Group

St Edmunds Hospital - part of Circle Health Group 0808 3048 913 St Mary's Square, Bury Saint Edmunds IP33 2AA
5 5 1 142
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Centro specializzato in:

Cardiologia Medicina estetica Otorinolaringoiatria endoscopia Piede e caviglia Gastroenterologia Chirurgia generale Ginecologia e Ostetricia Mano e polso Controllo medico

Perché è un centro medico di prim'ordine

St Edmunds Hospital is a leading private healthcare provider in Bury Saint Edmunds, that specialises in orthopaedic treatment, gastroenterology, urology, ophthalmologydiagnostic imaging and cosmetic surgery, alongside prostate assessment and gynaecology and a JAG-accredited endoscopy clinic.

The hospital, which is part of Circle Health Group, has three main theatres, two of which have a lamina flow system and the third theatre is used for endoscopy and day case procedures. There is an imaging department and physiotherapy team based at the hospital to ensure that you have the best care before and after treatment, and an outpatient department which offers a private GP service, clinics across all specialties, and a minor procedure/treatment room. 

On offer also are ECHO clinics, ZIO patch and a 24-hour blood pressure monitoring service. These facilities combined with the latest in technology and on-site support services, enable the consultants to undertake a wide range of procedures from routine investigations to complex surgery.

Over 80 consultants privately practise at St Edmunds Hospital, and the team is supported by an expert team of caring and professional staff, which includes a dedicated nursing team and resident medical officers on duty 24 hours a day.   

Il centro

St Edmunds Hospital - part of Circle Health Group

St Mary's Square, Bury Saint Edmunds IP33 2AA, Bury St Edmunds, Bury St Edmunds

Immagine del centro

Quadro medico del centro

Mr Majeed Shakokani


Esperto in:

Ricambio dell'anca Protesi del ginocchio Lesioni sono danni Sostituzione dell'anca di revisione Anca Menisco

RICHIEDI APPUNTAMENTO ADESSO: Il servizio di gestione degli appuntamenti è gratuito

Book directly with a consultant at this Hospital below

Mr Majeed Shakokani
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