Mammaplasty: a solution for gynaecomastia (enlarged male breasts)

Autore: Dr Gary Horn
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 05/05/2020
Editor: Robert Smith

Gynaecomastia usually isn’t a serious problem, but it can be tough to cope with the condition.


Sometimes referred to as "man boobs", gynaecomastia is a common condition that causes boys' and men's breasts to swell and become larger than normal. We spoke to Dr Gary Horn, a renowned plastic surgeon based in London and Brussels. He let us know how to distinguish if you have gynaecomastia and talked us through the procedure used to treat the condition.


How can you distinguish that you have gynaecomastia?


Gynaecomastia or adipo gynaecomastia is a condition where men have an enlarged breast and sometimes enlarged areolar nipple complex. Either it starts during puberty when your body react to unbalanced levels of hormones, and the result is an enlarged breast gland.

Or it appears much later, generally after the age of 50, and it involves excess fat lumps and skin sagginess on your chest.

Who is most likely to get gynaecomastia?

Again, gynaecomastia affects either young men (mostly a gland problem), or it affects over 50 year old men (mostly fat excess and loose skin).

There is a third group of patients: bodybuilders who are taking steroids for a long time and that can affect patients at any age.

Finally, there is a fourth group: patients who had a massive weight loss after surgery (gastric bypass etc) or very strict diet.

These patients don't have exactly a gynaecomastia but they have sometimes loose skin affecting their chest.

Is gynaecomastia always symmetrical and does it have to occur on both sides?

Gynaecomastia is mostly affecting both sides, but it can be asymmetrical, and less often affects only one side. Adipo gynaecomastia affects both sides.

What are the non-surgical options?

The treatment is only surgical.

Building up pectoral muscles help but the real problem is not muscular: it is glandular or affects fat and skin.

What are the latest surgical techniques being used for gynaecomastia?

It is a double treatment:

1) when needed, subtotal excision of the breast gland through an inferior areolar incision. That means that most of the gland is removed but it is important to leave a thin layer of gland under the areola to avoid getting a dip.

2) Vaser liposuction to contour the chest.

That means that not only the chest area is treated, but also the axillary area and the area underneath the inframammary fold.

The ultrasound energy of the vaser probe will melt the fat making it easier to be extracted and will amplify the skin tightening.
Then the fat is liposuctioned using vibrating handle cannulas that allow an easier and more complete extraction of the fat.

3) For some patients, we can give more volume to the top of the chest either by fat transfer or by using a submuscular silicone gel pectoral implants for more definition.

How successful is surgery for gynaecomastia?

For 95 % of patients the results are excellent and patients are over the moon.

For patients who had massive weight loss, or are obese, we can give them a good result but they also need either to have a chest uplift (after massive weight loss) or to lose weight (if obese).

If you require a consultation about plastic surgery or treatment for gynaecomastia , you may like to book an appointment with one of our expert plastic surgeons such as Dr Gary Horn.

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Dr Gary Horn

Dr Gary Horn
Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice

Dr Gary Horn è un rinomato chirurgo plastico con sede a Londra e Bruxelles , che ha una vasta conoscenza ed esperienza in tutti gli aspetti della chirurgia estetica . Le sue aree di competenza si trovano in aumento natica, penoplasty chirurgica e non chirurgica, e la valorizzazione pettorale. Nel 2003, il dottor Horn ha progettato il primo impianto pettorale , che viene ora utilizzato in tutto il mondo.

Il dott. Horn ha iniziato la sua carriera in medicina nei principali ospedali di Parigi, tra cui l'ospedale Saint-Louis e l'ospedale Saint-Antoine, dove era residente principale e poi assistente presso l'ospedale di Parigi. Specializzato in chirurgia plastica, estetica e ricostruttiva, nel 2002 il dottor Horn è diventato consulente chirurgo plastico. Nel 2003 si è dedicato alla sua pratica privata e si è iscritto al General Medical Council (GMC) nel Regno Unito dove ha aperto la sua clinica londinese.

Ha scritto molti articoli professionali sulla sua esperienza nell'incremento dei glutei e dei pettorali e ha scritto il primo articolo su questo argomento per comparire nella rivista French Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Partecipa a numerosi incontri nazionali e internazionali sulla chirurgia plastica in città come San Paolo, dove si è esibito in chirurgia dal vivo, Heidelberg, Barcellona e Beirut, dove tiene anche molte presentazioni.

Le operazioni del dottor Horn sono state presentate sulla serie della BBC Plastic Fantastic. È stato filmato per le sue procedure pionieristiche di penoplastica ed è riconosciuto come uno dei migliori chirurghi europei per le procedure di aumento del seno e dei glutei.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Medicina estetica corpo
    Trattamento delle occhiaie
    Aumento labbra
    Idrolipoclasia con cavitazione
    Eliminazione dei tatuaggi con laser
    Laser correttore di cicatrici
    Lifting laser
    Trapianto di capelli
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