Mid-facelift: target the earliest signs of aging

Autore: Mr Jonathan Britto
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 17/07/2023
Editor: Cameron Gibson-Watt

For many people, the lower eyelids and cheeks are their biggest problem of facial ageing. A traditional facelift might not entirely treat the upper cheek and lower eyelid areas of the face, so they might opt to have a mid-facelift. Mr Jonathan Britto, a prestigious craniofacial plastic surgeon based in London, explains what a mid-facelift is and what happens during the procedure.


Woman with long brown hair looking to her left


What is a mid-facelift?

As the cheek below the lower eyelids droops with age, and the lower eyelids lose their strength and become baggy, a deep groove develops along a line between the lower eyelid and the cheek, often called a tear-trough. The cheek sags so that a fold also develops between the nose and the corner of the mouth along a line called the nasolabial fold.


Midface lifts try to address these problems by lifting this mid portion of the face and restoring the youthful continuity between the lower eyelid and cheek. Midface lifts can be performed at different levels in the face depending on the ageing process and indication. The results are often very rejuvenating.


Midface lifts can also be used to correct problems from conventional lower eyelid blepharoplasty surgery when often the lower eyelid can be pulled down.


Some people have less cheekbone support for their lower eyelid, causing them to age quicker in this area. It’s possible to insert implants on the cheekbones at the same time as doing a midface lift to help support the lower eyelids.


Midface lifts are more complex procedures than conventional facelifts and have a longer recovery time.


Who is likely to opt to have the procedure?

The following are most likely to benefit from midface lifting:


  • People with significant lower eyelid ageing
  • Those with poor bone support of the eyelids
  • Those with eyelids that have been pulled too low by traditional lower blepharoplasty


Many people will benefit from a combination of a mid-facelift and traditional facelift techniques. However, the patient must understand that there’s a much longer recovery time from midface lifting, which usually takes several months.


What happens during the procedure?

Midface lifts can most often be done using incisions in the lower eyelid similar to those of lower blepharoplasty. Some types of midface lift can also be done by making incisions in the hair of the temple region and occasionally by using long incisions within the hair that go from just above each ear. Midface lifts can lift the front cheek by lifting the muscle layer or also lifting all the tissues of the front of the cheeks higher up along the bone.


Traditional facelifts employ incisions around the ears to lift the skin of the cheeks allowing a layer below this called the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) to be lifted. There are quite a number of operations described to lift this SMAS layer and the best operation needs to be chosen for each person. Traditional facelifts work best for the side part of the cheek, jowls and the neck but have less effect on the cheek below the eyes where midface lifts have the best effect.


How long does it last?

It’s not possible to know exactly how long the effect of facelifts will last on people. This is because people age and heal in different ways.


It can also depend on the age of someone at the time of the procedure and the possible hormonal changes of menopause. People who produce strong scar tissue, which can hold the repositioned tissues of the face better, will end up with longer lasting results.


If you are considering a mid-facelift, visit Mr Jonathan Britto’s profile and book a consultation via the website.

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Mr Jonathan Britto
Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice

Jonathan Britto è un consulente chirurgo plastico con sede a Londra ed Essex . Con 15 anni di consulenza in chirurgia plastica, ha guadagnato la sua reputazione come una delle voci più rispettate e autorevoli nella chirurgia plastica, ricostruttiva e craniofacciale. Le sue specialità includono la chirurgia facciale estetica e ricostruttiva, dove porta l'arte e la scienza di 25 anni di studio nello sviluppo del viso e nel restauro del suo mestiere.

I suoi clienti godono anche di risultati soddisfacenti dal suo tocco nelle procedure estetiche del seno e del contorno del corpo. All'avanguardia nel suo settore, sviluppa e affina costantemente tecniche chirurgiche e non chirurgiche. Costruire un rapporto personale forte con i suoi clienti è della massima importanza per lui, e la sua filosofia nella cura del paziente è quella di informare, rassicurare e dare il tempo necessario per spiegare tutte le opzioni per il trattamento.

La sua esperienza è spesso richiesta per casi complessi e tecnicamente impegnativi, dando speranza a molti che potrebbero aver perso la fiducia. Meticolosamente nel suo mestiere si sforza per il meglio, presentando regolarmente i suoi risultati a riunioni professionali peer review in tutto il mondo e in sessioni di insegnamento. Ha scritto molti libri e capitoli di libri e ha appreso documenti per riviste sottoposte a revisione paritaria su argomenti che vanno dall'anatomia facciale alla chirurgia craniofacciale alla rinoplastica estetica.

Il signor Britto porta la sua autorità professionale e il suo calore personale ai suoi pazienti e alle sue famiglie e offre un servizio compassionevole e accogliente per i migliori risultati clinici e personali possibili.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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