No implants needed – breast uplift surgery

Autore: Mr Venkat Ramakrishnan
Editor: Bronwen Griffiths

Breast uplift surgery without implants aims to address droopiness and loss of volume, giving subtler, natural results compared to breast augmentation with implants. Mr Venkat Ramakrishnan, a leading plastic surgeon, explains who might be most suited to breast uplift surgery, what happens during the procedure, and what results can be expected. He also introduces a recent advancement that has shown even better results in his patients.

A woman's nude silhouette. Some women following having children or weight loss may choose to have breast lift surgery.

Who is suitable for this procedure?

There are three main groups of women who seek breast uplift surgery to address drooping and lost volume in their breasts:

  1. Women who have had finished having children.
  2. Women who have lost a lot of weight.
  3. Younger women who have naturally lax skin with stretch marks (although this is less common).

The aim of breast lift surgery without implants is to reshape the breast, lift it and address sagging and lax skin. Breast augmentation, on the other hand, uses implants to increase bust size, but won’t necessarily address droopiness, which is important for patients to think about in terms of what results they want to achieve.


What happens during a breast lift?

The patient is given a general anaesthetic, and the relatively simple procedure takes up to two hours to complete. It is done on either a day case or overnight basis.

During surgery, the breast skin is, in effect, trimmed and reshaped. Excess skin is removed, the breast skin is pulled and reattached to the base of the breast. The nipple is never removed during surgery, so no blood supply or sensation is lost. Stitches are made around the areola, down the front of the breast, and underneath it too. It is important to note that there will be scars following breast lift surgery, however, these are usually faint, in most patients.

In general, patients will need two weeks off work, and up to six weeks off physical activity. It is worth noting that recovery is quicker than when having implants because the body does not need to adjust to a foreign object.


How long do the results last for? What could make breasts sag or droop again?

On average, women can expect their breast lift to last around 10 years. However, the following will affect the results:

  • Weight loss or gain
  • Pregnancy
  • Ageing


What recent advancements have been made in breast lift surgery?

New synthetic materials, such as GalaFLEX®, are being used to provide further support to an uplifted breast to give results longevity. The material is inserted during surgery to act like a hammock, providing added support. The material is absorbed by the body, in around six months, in process creating a layer of collagen which intends to give further support thereafter.

This new material has only been available for around two years, so we have yet to see longer term results. In the past, and still sometimes today, some surgeons will use other materials which are not absorbed by the body, however, these can interfere with breast screening.


If you are interested in having a consultation about breast lift surgery or augmentation, book now with Mr Ramakrishnan.

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Mr Venkat Ramakrishnan
Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice

Mr Venkat Ramakrishnan è un chirurgo plastico di grande esperienza con una reputazione internazionale per il suo lavoro nella ricostruzione mammaria microchirurgica. Praticando in cliniche private a Brentwood e Southend-on-Sea, le aree di interesse specialistiche del signor Ramakrishnan includono chirurgia ricostruttiva e cosmetica del seno , liposculpting e body-lift e chirurgia estetica del viso .

Il signor Ramakrishnan si è laureato in medicina al Madras College nel 1983 e ha intrapreso una vasta formazione specialistica in Australia. Nel 2002 è stato nominato per il posto di consulente chirurgo plastico presso il St. Andrews Centre for Plastic Surgery di Chelmsford, dove attualmente dirige il Breast Reconstruction Service e svolge oltre 1.000 operazioni all'anno. Ramakrishnan è noto per la sua capacità di mettere a proprio agio i pazienti e spiegare chiaramente il processo di ricostruzione. Quest'anno è stato riconosciuto come uno dei principali chirurghi per la ricostruzione del seno nel Regno Unito nella guida Good Doctors del Daily Mail .

Oltre alla sua pratica clinica, Ramakrishnan è anche visiting professor di chirurgia plastica all'Università Anglia Ruskin e conduttore di una borsa di microchirurgia che attira borsisti provenienti da Europa, Australia, Nuova Zelanda e India. Attualmente la sua ricerca si concentra sui risultati dopo la chirurgia ricostruttiva del seno e presenta regolarmente il suo lavoro a conferenze nazionali e internazionali.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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