Pancreatitis: can the pancreas heal itself?

Autore: Professor Hemant Kocher
Editor: Cal Murphy

Pancreatitis, or an inflamed pancreas, can have serious consequences on the human body. The condition comes in two forms: acute and chronic, both of which can lead to serious symptoms. When pancreatitis strikes, can the pancreas heal itself? Can the condition be prevented and what is the treatment? Renowned surgeon Professor Hemant Kocher explains.

Can pancreatitis heal itself?

Acute pancreatitis is a self-limiting condition. In most instances, the pancreas heals itself and normal pancreatic functions of digestion and sugar control are restored. In some patients, there may be complications from acute pancreatitis that require further treatment, such a blocked bile duct, infections in the pancreas, injury to surrounding organs like the bowel.

Chronic pancreatitis destroys pancreas function, and requires medical management. Chronic pancreatitis cannot heal itself, but good medical management can slow down the rate of decline of pancreatic function, while improving the individual’s quality of life and preventing further problems arising.


How can pancreatitis be prevented?

The single biggest cause of pancreatitis is alcohol. Therefore, those individuals diagnosed with alcohol-related acute or chronic pancreatitis should avoid alcohol, even the smallest amount, to prevent further damage to the pancreas.

For those individuals with gallstone-related pancreatitis, it may be best to remove the gallbladder, as that is the site of gallstone formation, after ensuring that the bile duct is clear of gallstones. This requires expert medical intervention. In the interim, the person should avoid fat in the diet.

For people with high lipids or calcium in bloodstream, medications can be started to normalise those levels. For drug-induced pancreatitis, where possible, alternative medications can be started with expert medical help.


Treating pancreatitis

There are no medications to change the course of acute pancreatitis or make it better sooner, except removing gallstones from a blocked bile duct, if that is the cause.

Medical management of acute pancreatitis is aimed at symptom control such as reduction of pain, nausea, vomiting, and dehydration as well as prevention of complications. Whilst most cases of acute pancreatitis are mild and can be managed by general surgeons or gastroenterologists, severe pancreatitis should be referred to specialist teams.

Chronic pancreatitis, once established, does not go away. There are no medications to make the pancreas normal again. However, with adequate medical management, it may be possible to limit the damage from chronic pancreatitis, reduce the rate of decline of pancreatic function, and prevent complications. Therefore, patients with chronic pancreatitis should be managed by specialist teams.


If you think you may have pancreatitis, visit Professor Kocher's profile to book an appointment.

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Professor Hemant Kocher
Chirurgia generale

Il professor Hemant Kocher è un professore di fama internazionale di chirurgia del fegato e del pancreas presso l'Università di Londra.

È un primario consulente di chirurgia generale, laparoscopica e HPB con sede a Londra . I suoi interessi speciali includono le malattie della colecisti e del dotto biliare , il fegato e il pancreas . Egli considera innovative tecniche chirurgiche e percorsi di cura del paziente tra i suoi interessi di ricerca.

Il professor Kocher si è diplomato presso l'Università di Mumbai con varie distinzioni prima di recarsi a Londra e di completare il suo MD al King's College di Londra.
Professore estremamente esperto e dedicato, il professor Kocher gestisce un programma di ricerca multidisciplinare sul pancreas e sul fegato presso il Barts Cancer Institute. È all'avanguardia nel suo campo e desideroso di offrire tecniche e trattamenti aggiornati e basati sulle prove per i suoi pazienti.

Il professor Kocher è stato un prolifico contributo di ricerca alla sua disciplina e ha ampiamente pubblicato. Molto rispettato dai suoi colleghi, ha fatto numerose apparizioni sulla stampa, ha lavorato con associazioni di beneficenza mediche ed è stato intervistato dalla BBC. Ha anche ottenuto riconoscimenti nazionali e internazionali, ricevendo numerosi premi prestigiosi nel suo campo, presiedendo commissioni e conferenze nazionali e internazionali.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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Valutazione generale del paziente

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Nutrizione
    Test intolleranze alimentari
    Disturbi alimentari
    Enteroscopia terapeutica
    Ph metria
    Riduzione dello stomaco
    Palloncino intragastrico
    Idroterapia del colon
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