Treating chronic pancreatitis surgically

Autore: Mr Timothy Rees Worthington
Editor: Lauren Dempsey

Pancreatic surgery is a major procedure that has a relatively high risk of complications. Leading general surgeon, Mr Timothy Rees Worthington, based in Guildford, discusses the procedure and explains how modern advancements have improved the outcome, making it a more suitable treatment for chronic pancreatitis.  


What is chronic pancreatitis and what causes it? 

Pancreatitis is a long-term condition that affects the pancreas and can lead to problems with digestion and diabetes. There are many causes ranging from alcohol to smoking and genetic causes. Patients who have had previous acute pancreatitis can go on to develop chronic pancreatitis. 


When is surgery required? 

Surgery can be effective for patients with chronic pancreatitis and can particularly be useful for patients suffering from chronic pain or blockage of the intestine or bile duct. 


How is surgery for chronic pancreatitis performed? 

Surgery for chronic pancreatitis is a major procedure, but increasingly it is carried out with minimally-invasive surgery


Is it a risky procedure? 

With modern surgical techniques and improved anaesthesia, surgery for chronic pancreatitis is far less risky than previously, but it needs to be undertaken in a specialist centre by a specialist group of surgeons and anaesthetists. 


What is the recovery process like after surgery for chronic pancreatitis? 

Enhanced recovery techniques which have been pioneered at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford mean that recovery from surgery from chronic pancreatitis is much improved with patients usually being discharged after a few days


If you are interested in booking a consultation with Mr Timothy Rees Worthington, you can do so directly by visiting his Top Doctors profile. 

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Mr Timothy Rees Worthington
Chirurgia generale

Timothy Rees Worthington è un chirurgo generale con sede a Guildford . Si è specializzato nella rimozione di calcoli biliari ed ernie e nel trattamento del fegato e del pancreas. È un esperto in chirurgia laparoscopica , ricoprendo la posizione di Tutor laparoscopico presso la Minimal Access Therapy e Training Unit presso l'Università del Surrey.

Dopo aver conseguito la laurea presso l'Università di Birmingham, il sig. Worthington è stato insignito del Royal College of Surgeons Simpson Research Fellowship e ha studiato la biologia del cancro del pancreas. Ha conseguito il suo MD nel 2001, dopo di che ha subito una formazione chirurgica superiore a Londra e ha intrapreso un ulteriore addestramento specialistico presso la Flinders University, ad Adelaide, in Australia. Divenne un chirurgo consulente presso l'University College Hospital di Londra nel 2004, prima di trasferirsi successivamente al Royal Surrey County Hospital.

Worthington è a capo dell'Hepatopancreaticobiliary Unit presso il Royal Surrey County Hospital e l'Università del Surrey nello sviluppo di interventi mini-invasivi per il pancreas e il fegato ed è un esperto riconosciuto nel settore.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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