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Более 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Dr Michael Healy

Por Dr Michael Healy

Straighten your teeth with Reveal: A comprehensive guide for patients

In recent years, advancements in dental technology have made it easier than ever to achieve a straighter, more confident smile. One such innovation is Reveal. In this comprehensive guide, highly respected dentist and Reveal practitioner Dr Michael Healy explains who is a suitable candidate for this form of teeth straightening, the duration of treatment and beyond.

Revolutionising fibroid treatment

Fibroids, noncancerous growths in the uterus, affect a significant number of women, often causing symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and pressure on the bladder or rectum. While surgical interventions like laparoscopic or robotic surgeries have been traditionally used to remove large fibroids, a newer and less invasive approach called radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is gaining attention for its effectiveness in treating fibroids while preserving the uterus. In his latest online article, Mr Mahantesh Karoshi gives us his insights.

Редакция Top Doctors

Редакция Top Doctors

Understanding aortic aneurysm: Symptoms, risks, and treatment

In the realm of cardiovascular health, an aortic aneurysm stands as a significant concern. In her latest online article, distinguished consultant cardiothoracic surgeon Miss Indu Deglurkar sheds light on the fundamentals of aortic aneurysms (also known as abdominal aortic aneurysms), encompassing their symptoms, severity, and treatment modalities.

Mr Aimen Amer

Por Mr Aimen Amer

Understanding groin hernias: Symptoms and care

Groin hernias are a common occurrence, particularly among men, with statistics indicating that one in four men will experience this condition in their lifetime. While they can manifest in various ways, the most recognisable sign is a lump or swelling in the groin area. This noticeable bulge often prompts individuals to seek medical attention. In his latest online article, Mr Aimen Amer gives us his insights.

Редакция Top Doctors

Редакция Top Doctors

Headaches: Insights into the triggers, symptoms, and treatments

Headaches are a common ailment experienced by many people at some point in their lives. While they can often be managed with simple lifestyle changes or over-the-counter medications, persistent or severe headaches may warrant further investigation. Here, Dr Fahim Chowdhury, renowned GP, provides an expert guide to headaches, exploring their causes, types, and uncovering effective strategies for relief.

Dr Anita Arya

Por Dr Anita Arya

Sports cardiology: Heart conditions in athletes

Leading consultant cardiologist Dr Anita Arya takes an in-depth look at sports cardiology, more specifically heart conditions in athletes including common ones identified during pre-participation screenings, how patients can participate in sport safely, or if they’ve experienced a cardiac event, what processes are involved in ensuring they can return to activities.

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