Acupuncture as a gynaecological treatment

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a treatment derived from ancient Chinese medicine that involves inserting fine needles at certain sites in the body for therapeutic or preventative purposes. It is used in many NHS GP practices, as well as in most pain clinics and hospices in the UK.

How does acupuncture work as a gynaecological treatment?

Acupuncture is often seen as a form of complementary or alternative medicine, and while it's not a cure for gynaecological conditions, it can be used as a complementary treatment to help manage symptoms. Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating menstrual cramps, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. It can also be used to treat infertility and to help manage the side effects of fertility treatments.

Is acupuncture as a gynaecological treatment safe?

Acupuncture is generally safe and well-tolerated when performed by a qualified practitioner. However, like all medical treatments, it can cause side effects. Common side effects include soreness, bruising, and bleeding at the site of the needle insertion. In rare cases, it can cause more serious side effects such as infection, nerve damage, or organ injury.

How effective is acupuncture for gynaecological conditions?

As mentioned, acupuncture is a complementary treatment that can be used to manage gynaecological symptoms such as menstrual cramps, PMS, and menopausal symptoms. However, the evidence to support the effectiveness of acupuncture for gynaecological conditions is limited, based on the results of only a few studies.

For example, a Cochrane review examined the effectiveness of acupuncture for reducing pain in endometriosis and found that the evidence to support its effectiveness is limited, based on the results of only one study that was included in the review. Another study published in PLOS ONE found that acupuncture could be an effective treatment for endometriosis and may relieve pain. 

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