HER2/neu analysis

What is analysed?

HER2/neu analysis examines the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, a protein that can play a significant role in certain types of cancer, particularly breast cancer.

When is it requested?

HER2/neu analysis is typically requested as part of the diagnostic process for breast cancer patients or those suspected to have breast cancer.

Why conduct the analysis?

The analysis helps determine the level of HER2/neu protein expression in tumour cells, which guides treatment decisions and predicts patient prognosis.

When to conduct the analysis?

HER2/neu analysis is conducted when a patient is diagnosed with breast cancer or when there is suspicion of breast cancer based on clinical findings and diagnostic tests.

What sample is required?

A tissue sample from a breast biopsy or surgical excision is required for HER2/neu analysis.

Is any prior preparation necessary?

There is no specific prior preparation required for HER2/neu analysis. However, patients should follow any instructions provided by their healthcare provider regarding the biopsy or surgical procedure.

How is it used?

HER2/neu analysis helps oncologists determine the appropriate treatment approach, such as targeted therapy with drugs like trastuzumab (Herceptin), which specifically target HER2-positive tumours.

What are the normal values?

Normal values for HER2/neu expression are typically determined by the laboratory conducting the analysis and may vary slightly. However, in general, HER2/neu expression is considered normal when it falls within a specified range determined by the laboratory's reference standards.

HER2/neu values table

HER2/neu expression Interpretation Normal Within laboratory reference standards Elevated Indicates HER2-positive breast cancer Absent Indicates HER2-negative breast cancer.

Please note that interpretation of HER2/neu values should be done in conjunction with other clinical and pathological findings by a qualified healthcare professional.

What does it mean to have altered values?

Having altered HER2/neu values, particularly elevated expression, indicates HER2-positive breast cancer. This type of cancer tends to be more aggressive but is also more responsive to targeted therapies like Herceptin.

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