The Chaucer Hospital - part of Circle Health Group

The Chaucer Hospital - part of Circle Health Group 0808 3048 913 Nackington Rd, Canterbury CT4 7AR,
5 5 1 398
(398) valoraciones verificadas

Centro especializado en:

ортопедическая хирур�... коленный тазобедренный Катаракта Офтальмология


398 valoraciones verificadas
Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.
Valoración verificada
An excellent experience for my first visit to this hospital and this consultant. Happy patient !
D. C 19/09/24
Valoración verificada
S. R 18/09/24
Valoración verificada
Great experience undertaken by professional and friendly clinician. Good discussion pre op re treatment options and good follow. Prepared to answer questions and took his time with me. I am really pleased with the outcome of the surgery.
W. B 17/09/24
Valoración verificada
Excellent treatment and care throughout my procedure. Helped me along the way to recovering and clear advice and instructions given throughout.
W. O 17/09/24
Valoración verificada
Professional, approachable and caring. Kim’s is a lovely place Staff are amazing. I always feel looked after and well cared for.
C. D 12/09/24
Valoración verificada
The whole process was an excellent experience. Professor Bal Dhinsa explained everything very well and the options that would be available to me
C. D 07/09/24
Valoración verificada
Thank you for great treatment, the staff and the hospital were excellent.
D. M 06/09/24
Valoración verificada
Mr Dhinsa is an extremely pleasant man, who is working hard to help me with my problematic feet!!
N. B 03/09/24
Valoración verificada
Professor Dhinsa has been fantastic all the way through my treatment and has a great way of explaining everything so you understand.
R. D 03/09/24
Valoración verificada
I would have no hesitation in recommending Professor Dhinsa to any one requiring his help. At all times remaining professional and clear with his terminology. All the sections above are rated at least 5 stars
D. M 30/08/24

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Book directly with a consultant at this Hospital below

Professor Bal Dhinsa
Dr Carlo Nunes
Mr Christopher James
Dr Konrad Grosser
кардиолог для взрослых
Dr Bernhard Klebe

Ver todos los doctores que cumplen tus requerimientos >

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