Advances in plastic and reconstructive surgery: Ultrasonic rhinoplasty

Escrito por: Mr Giovanni Ferrando
Publicado: | Actualizado: 10/08/2021
Editado por: Karolyn Judge

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that has been introduced as an alternative to traditional surgical rasp, hammer and chisel management of nasal bones.


The ultrasonic alternative offers patients an option where there is a higher likelihood of less surgical bleeding, post-surgical bruising and swelling, and pain. However, how does it work?


Close up shot of a young woman with a dark bob and dark eyes looking down


Top Doctors speaks to vastly-experienced consultant plastic and reconstructive surgeon Mr Giovanni Ferrando about this new, alternative method. He has also kindly provided a patient case study to illustrate the results of an ultrasonic rhinoplasty.


What is an ultrasonic rhinoplasty?

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is a recent method to perform some steps of rhinoplasty and for the treatment of the bones of the septum such as septoplasty and functional rhinoplasty.


How is it performed?

This is a very useful medical device works because it shapes the bone using an ultrasound vibration.


Is the procedure safe?

During the rhinoplasty surgery, the use of the Piezotome® Cube (bone surgery instrument) allows me to be more precise, less invasive, and when I need to cut the bone, it will be perfect and exactly in the position where I prefer to do it.


What’s the recovery time of ultrasonic rhinoplasty?

Another positive aspect of this method is the bleeding reduction, especially on the septum bones, and the recovery time is shorter.


How much does ultrasonic rhinoplasty cost?

The average price of a rhinoplasty using this device is a little bit higher because the cost of disposable tools.


Patient case study of reconstructive rhinoplasty with the use of the Piezotome® Cube

This patient came to me after having had three previous unsuccessful surgeries. He told us that the ultrasonic rhinoplasty was his last hope and we reassured him I would be able to perform a very successful surgery and I would be able to give him a very natural looking nose.


The patient had multiple nasal fractures so, a piece of cartilage was taken from his seventh rib in order to perform the reconstruction. 


It was an open surgery which took four hours and was performed with the use of the Piezotome® Cube. The pictures were taken 10 days after the surgery and the result is absolutely incredible.


Before picture from the side, of a man with a pointed nose and who is to have a nose job
Figure 1: Before


After photo from the side, of a man who has had a nose job
Figure 2: After


After picture, from a diagonal angle, of a man who has had a nose job
Figure 3: After 2



A before and after photo of a man who has had a nose job
Figure 4: Before and after


If you’re interested in the ultrasonic rhinoplasty procedure or any other related plastic or reconstructive operations, Mr Ferrando is here to provide expert help. To make an appointment with him, visit his Top Doctors profile, here.

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Por Mr Giovanni Ferrando
пластическая хирургия

Г-н Джованни Феррандо - очень опытный консультант пластического и реконструктивного хирурга с частными клиниками в Лондоне и Италии. Он известен своей инновационной и новаторской работой по разработке и разработке новых технологий, которые будут использоваться в косметической и эстетической хирургии, и уделяет большое внимание деталям, всегда стремясь достичь естественных результатов. Он специализируется на всех видах эстетической хирургии, с особым интересом к ринопластике, блефаропластике, подтяжке лица и увеличению груди.

При выполнении операции у пациента г-н Феррандо предпочитает уделить время изучению пропорций лица пациента, а также хорошо знает пациента, чтобы принять решение о том, какой лучший нос для пациента будет. Он лично рисует портрет пациента, чтобы увидеть желаемые результаты, и использовать ту же руку для создания рисунка, который будет выполнять операцию. Эта часть процесса важна для г-на Феррандо в обеспечении достижения наилучших результатов.

Наряду с его клинической практикой г-н Феррандо посвящает время разговорам о своей профессии и регулярно участвует в журнале «Эстетическая пластическая хирургия» и в настоящее время пишет книгу о ринопластике.

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