The importance of comprehensive fertility testing for couples

Escrito por: Dr Anu Chawla
Editado por: Kate Forristal

Before delving into the world of fertility testing, it's crucial to emphasise that fertility testing is not exclusive to women. In fact, it's a vital step for both partners in a heterosexual couple. Surprisingly, male factor infertility contributes to 30 to 40% of conception challenges.  In her latest online article Dr Anu Chawla gives us her insights into fertility testing.


How women's fertility is assessed

When it comes to assessing a woman's fertility, the tests offered can vary depending on the chosen package. We highly recommend opting for a comprehensive fertility check, as time is of the essence. The sooner any underlying issues are identified, the sooner they can be addressed, and the more time is left within a woman's fertility window for conception. Comprehensive fertility testing includes the following components:


Initial consultation

Meeting with a fertility expert is a pivotal step. This consultation involves reviewing your medical history, addressing concerns, and delving into lifestyle and diet considerations. For couples, both partners should attend to ensure a holistic assessment. The consultant will explain the battery of tests you'll undergo and offer guidance, encouraging you to take notes if necessary.


Transvaginal ultrasound scan (TVS)

A non-invasive procedure that examines a woman's reproductive system, specifically the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes. TVS is conducted through the vagina for more accurate results, allowing the probe to be closer to the reproductive organs. The scan might also include an antral follicle count, crucial for evaluating egg maturation and ovulation.


Saline hysterography (SIS) or Aqua scan

In cases where issues with the womb or fallopian tubes are suspected, a detailed scan called Saline Hysterography (SIS) or Aqua Scan is recommended. This in-depth scan assesses the anatomy of the fallopian tubes and the womb cavity, aiding in cases of recurrent treatment failure. Additionally, it helps identify potential problems like endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), uterine fibroids, or blocked fallopian tubes.


Anti-mullerian hormone blood test

This blood test measures Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) levels, providing insights into a woman's ovarian reserve and the number of remaining eggs. It complements the antral follicle count.


Consultation for test result discussion

After undergoing comprehensive private fertility screening, a specialist will discuss your test results with you. They should carefully explain the findings and their implications, ensuring that you understand the results in the context of your fertility goals. You can ask questions and receive answers in plain language to prevent confusion.


Fertility testing for couples

Comprehensive private fertility testing for couples typically involves all the aforementioned steps, along with semen analysis. Semen analysis is a non-invasive process where the male partner provides a specimen that is closely examined in the laboratory to assess sperm count, morphology, and mobility.


Addressing subfertility

Sophisticated fertility testing can pinpoint the causes of conception problems in most cases. However, roughly a quarter of cases remain unexplained. The good news is that even unexplained infertility can often be successfully treated with interventions like IVF. So, even when the cause of infertility is elusive, achieving your dream of having a baby is still possible.


At-home fertility testing

While some high street brands offer at-home fertility tests for women, providing insights into factors like AMH and progesterone levels, these tests come with limitations. Quick answers from home can be tempting, but knowledge without context can be misleading. These at-home tests lack the comprehensive scans needed to rule out most fertility problems. For genuine peace of mind, it's advisable to undergo comprehensive fertility testing. The sooner you have a clear understanding of your fertility profile, the closer you'll be to your path to conception.


Dr Anu Chawla is a highly regarded senior fertility specialist with over 15 years of experience. You can schedule an appointment with Dr Chawla on her Top Doctors profile.

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Por Dr Anu Chawla
вспомогательные репродуктивные технологии

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