394 Artículos médicos sobre Cardiología Más de 6851 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Redacción de Top Doctors

Redacción de Top Doctors

Chest pain: When should I worry?

Chest pain can be alarming and is often associated with serious conditions such as heart attacks, but it can also stem from less dangerous causes. Understanding when chest pain is a cause for concern and when it may be less serious can help guide decisions about seeking medical attention. Here to tell us all about it, is leading consultant cardiologist Dr Christopher Broyd.

What's involved in a cardiac MRI imaging appointment?

A cardiac MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is a non-invasive test that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of the heart and surrounding blood vessels. It’s often used to assess the structure and function of the heart, diagnose heart conditions or monitor the progression of diseases. In this article, leading consultant cardiologist Dr Marco Spartera tells you what you can expect during a cardiac MRI appointment.

Redacción de Top Doctors

Redacción de Top Doctors

What are the advantages and disadvantages of cardiac MRI scans?

Cardiac MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is a non-invasive imaging technique used to assess the structure and function of the heart. It provides detailed images of the heart and surrounding blood vessels, helping to diagnose various cardiac conditions. Like all medical procedures, cardiac MRI scans come with both advantages and disadvantages. Here to tell us all about is leading consultant cardiologist Dr Thomas Heseltine.

How can I reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases?

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD), such as heart attacks and strokes, are leading causes of death worldwide. Fortunately, many risk factors for these conditions can be managed or mitigated through lifestyle changes and medical interventions. Renowned consultant cardiologist Dr Kare Tang provides patients with a clear understanding of how to reduce their cardiovascular risk effectively.

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