187 Artículos médicos sobre Dermatología Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Redacción de Top Doctors

Redacción de Top Doctors

Revolutionising anti-ageing with EMFACE: The future of non-surgical facelifts

In the heart of London's esteemed Harley Street, Dr Ariel Haus offers the revolutionary non-surgical facelift at Dr Haus Dermatology. This treatment uses cutting-edge technologies to rejuvenate skin without the need for invasive procedures. He explains the revolutionary new EMFACE treatment, a game changer in the non-surgical facelift field.

Lighting the way to clear skin: The science behind phototherapy

Phototherapy, utilising light to treat skin conditions, is a trusted dermatological approach. Effective for eczema, psoriasis, and more, it reduces inflammation and relieves symptoms. Despite potential side effects like dryness and tanning, proper monitoring minimises risks. Results typically appear within six to eight weeks, accompanied by a natural tan—a sign of skin defence against UV radiation. In his latest online article, Dr Derrick Philips delves into phototherapy for clearer, healthier skin.

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