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Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Understanding your menstrual cycle: A key to enhancing fertility

For those aspiring to conceive, a comprehensive understanding of the menstrual cycle is indispensable. It transcends being a monthly inconvenience, unfolding as a nuanced and intricate process that profoundly influences fertility. From the onset of menstruation to ovulation and beyond, the menstrual cycle orchestrates a sequence of hormonal changes, meticulously preparing the body for the prospect of pregnancy. In her latest online article, Dr Irfana Koita gives us her insights.

Clear vision with YAG laser capsulotomy

Discover the transformative power of YAG laser capsulotomy, a targeted solution for post-cataract cloudiness. Through precise laser intervention, this procedure swiftly restores clear vision, offering immediate relief from visual disturbances. In her latest online article, Dr Olubunmi Ogunleye delves into its benefits, risks, preparation, and the seamless journey through the procedure and into recovery.

The benefits of keyhole heart surgery

Keyhole heart surgery, also known as minimally invasive cardiac surgery or thoracoscopic surgery, has transformed the landscape of cardiac treatment. While many patients may not be aware, this advanced surgical approach is not new and has accumulated a significant body of clinical evidence supporting its efficacy when performed by skilled experts. In his latest online article, Mr Inderpaul Birdi gives us his insights.

Broken wrist: what are my treatment options?

A broken wrist is a fracture of one or more of the bones in the wrist, most commonly the distal radius. It typically results from a fall onto an outstretched hand and causes pain, swelling, and sometimes deformity. Treatment varies from casting to surgery, depending on fracture severity. Leading consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon Mr Angelos Assiotis provides a guide to the symptoms and surgical options for treating wrist fractures.

All about angina

Angina, commonly referred to as angina pectoris, is a type of chest pain or discomfort resulting from the heart muscle not receiving sufficient oxygen-rich blood. It is a critical symptom of underlying heart disease, most frequently coronary artery disease (CAD), which is the leading cause of death worldwide. Grasping the nuances of angina is essential for managing and averting more severe cardiovascular conditions, such as heart attacks. In his latest online article, Dr Ricardo Petraco gives us his insights.

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