Professor Tony Heagerty

Medico internista a Greater Manchester


Professor Tony Heagerty esperto in:

Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine

Professor of medicine, and a leading consultant physician, Professor Tony Heagerty is based in Greater Manchester and specialises in hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. 

With his clinical interests in high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases, he originally described the concept of structural alterations in the circulation associated with high blood pressure. 

Professor Heagerty obtained his medical degree in London and his MD in Leicester. In 1988 he won the International Society of Hypertension Outstanding Young Investigator Award and delivered the Royal College of Physicians' Goulstonian Lecture in 1990. 

He was recently appointed President of the International Society of Hypertension and member of the council of the Royal College of Physicians. He is a serving member of the British Heart Foundation. Professor Heagerty is a founding member of the Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences. 

He holds an honorary consultant contract with Manchester Royal Infirmary. 

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