158 Artículos médicos sobre Endocrinología Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

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Never too late to bloom: an introduction to hypogonadism

Hypogonadism is when sexual glands called the gonads (the testes and the ovaries) fail to produce normal amounts of hormones such as oestrogen, testosterone, and progesterone. This causes the secondary physical sexual characteristics to be underdeveloped or never develop at all. This may also mean that a person who has hypogonadism may face fertility issues or brittle bones. In this article, expert endocrinologist and consultant physician Dr Sobia Arshad explains hypogonadism and its effects on the body.

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What to do when the thyroid goes into hyperdrive: a guide to hyperthyroidism

The thyroid, a gland that is found between the clavicle and Adam’s apple in your throat, controls the metabolic rate of the body, which in turn determines how we function, grow, and develop. When the thyroid starts going into overdrive and producing too many hormones for the body to handle, it disrupts the entire body system and greatly impacts your health — this is called hyperthyroidism. Dr Edson Nogueira, consultant endocrinologist in London, explains the condition and ways to treat it.

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Thyroid troubles: Early signs you shouldn't ignore

Thyroid problems can manifest through various symptoms that shouldn’t be ignored in order to maintain quality of life, good health and overall wellbeing. Here, Dr Koteshwara Muralidhara, renowned consultant physician in endocrinology, provides an expert insight into thyroid disorders, highlighting the early signs of thyroid troubles and the importance of early diagnosis.

What are the emotional and psychological effects of PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age. While the physical symptoms of PCOS, such as irregular periods, acne and weight gain are well known, the emotional and psychological effects are often overlooked but equally significant. Here to tell us more is leading consultant endocrinologist Dr Vanitha Karunakaran.

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Integrating multidisciplinary approaches in the management of complex endocrine disorders

The management of complex endocrine disorders often requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond the expertise of a single specialist. Integrating multidisciplinary approaches allows for a more effective and holistic treatment plan, addressing the diverse and interrelated aspects of these conditions. Endocrine disorders, such as diabetes, thyroid diseases and adrenal gland issues, can have wide-ranging effects on multiple organ systems, making collaborative care essential for optimal patient outcomes. Here to tell us all about these approaches is leading consultant endocrinologist Mr Waseem Majeed.

Understanding hormone replacement therapy for transgender individuals

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a critical element of the transition process for many transgender individuals. It involves the administration of hormones to align a person's physical characteristics with their gender identity. Here, Dr Edson Nogueira, renowned consultant in endocrinology, diabetes, and general medicine, provides comprehensive information about HRT for transgender individuals, addressing common questions and concerns.

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