882 Artículos médicos sobre Traumatología Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Redacción de Top Doctors

Redacción de Top Doctors

Inflammatory arthritis: A comprehensive review

Inflammatory arthritis is a multifaceted category of autoimmune diseases characterised by inflammation of the joints. Here, Mr Matthew Burwell, renowned consultant orthopaedic surgeon, delves into the intricate landscape of inflammatory arthritis, discussing its symptoms, diagnostic approaches, and therapeutic interventions.

Rotator cuff injuries: Diagnosis and treatment

The rotator cuff plays a pivotal role in stabilising and facilitating the wide range of motion that the shoulder joint is capable of. When the function of the rotator cuff is disrupted, this can lead to pain, restricted movement, and a decrease in overall quality of life. Here, Mr Dave Cloke, renowned consultant orthopaedic surgeon, offers his expert insight into rotator cuff injuries.

Hip replacement surgery explained

Hip replacement surgery, a common procedure where a damaged hip joint is substituted with an artificial one (known as an implant), offers a new lease on life to individuals suffering from debilitating hip pain. This surgery is predominantly performed on people aged between 60 and 80, although adults of any age can be considered. Modern artificial hip joints are designed to last at least 15 years, significantly reducing pain and improving mobility for most patients. In his latest online article, Mr Trevor Lawrence gives us his insights.

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