Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Understanding knee preservation surgery: A less invasive path to knee health

In his latest online article, Mr Tahir Mahmud gives us his insights into knee preservation surgery. He talks about what knee preservation surgery is and how it differs from traditional knee replacement surgery, the most common knee conditions or injuries that would benefit from this procedure, the recovery process and the risks and complications.

Shoulder replacement surgery: what are my options?

Shoulder replacement surgery, also known as shoulder arthroplasty, is a medical procedure designed to alleviate pain and improve the function of a damaged or arthritic shoulder joint. This surgery involves replacing the damaged parts of the shoulder joint with artificial components, much like how a hip or knee replacement is performed. Experienced shoulder and elbow consultant Miss Dimitra Leivadiotou explains more about the surgery, including when it is necessary and the various options available.

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