334 Artículos médicos sobre Otorrinolaringología Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Adenoids: what are they and how should they be treated?

Adenoids, which are found at the back of the nose, can cause issues such as nasal blockage as well as various medical complications related to sleep. In our latest article, experienced ENT surgeon, Professor Stuart Winter, is on hand to offer us his expert knowledge with regards to what adenoids are exactly, and when it is time for them to be removed.

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Tune out the noise: Effective strategies for managing and reducing tinnitus

Tinnitus, often described as a ringing, buzzing, or humming sound in the ears, can be an unsettling and persistent condition. It affects people differently, ranging from mild annoyance to a constant distraction that impacts sleep, concentration, and overall well-being. While there’s no cure for tinnitus, effective management strategies can significantly reduce its impact on daily life. Leading consultant ENT surgeon Mr Tony Hinton takes a detailed look at understanding this condition, here.

Understanding thyroid surgery

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck that produces hormones essential for regulating metabolism, growth, and development. When issues arise within the thyroid gland, surgery (also known as thyroidectomy) may be necessary to restore function and prevent further complications. Here, Mr Jean-Pierre Jeannon, renowned consultant ENT and head and neck surgeon, provides an expert insight.

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Redacción de Top Doctors

Rhinoplasty: How safe is it? And what’s involved?

Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a ‘nose job,’ is a surgical procedure designed to alter the shape, size or functionality of the nose. It’s one of the most frequently performed cosmetic surgeries worldwide and is often sought for both aesthetic and medical reasons. While the popularity of rhinoplasty is well-known, patients often have concerns about the safety of the procedure and what it entails. Here to address these concerns is leading Facial Cosmetic and ENT surgeon Mr Aftab Ahmed.

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