Artículos del centro: London Medical Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Delayed puberty late bloomer or medical condition

Girls on average begin puberty with a growth spurt at 11 and menstruate at 13. Boys, on the other hand, begin their growth spurt at 14 and start growing a beard around 17. If you have reached these milestones but are yet to notice any changes to your body, you may be experiencing delayed puberty. So, what's causing it? Dr Helen Spoudeas, a leading endocrinologist based in London explains.

Weight loss surgery: Is it possible to prevent coronavirus?

In July 2020, the UK government launched a campaign to tackle obesity with weight loss surgery to help combat the health problems related to obesity, but also to help reduce the number of patients experiencing the severe symptoms of COVID-19. Obesity and becoming critically ill with coronavirus are linked. Mr Ahmed R. Ahmed, leading bariatric surgeon, explains the benefits of weight loss surgery in relation to COVID-19.

COVID-19 with obesity: what are the dangers?

Research shows that obese people are at a higher risk of severe illness with COVID-19. One of our top London bariatric surgeons Mr Ahmed R. Ahmed put his weight loss surgeries on hold during the first wave of the pandemic and worked in an intensive care unit. It was here where he treated many obese patients with coronavirus and he shares his expert medical advice on what seriously overweight people should do during these worrying times.

Diet, hormones, genes and the risks of childhood obesity, explained by a specialist

Are you worried about your child's growing weight? In most cases, diet is the source of the issue, but in very rare cases, hormones and single-gene defects are the underlying cause. Specialist advice is available from Dr Helen Spoudeas, leading London paediatric endocrinologist. Learn from her about diet, hormones, genes, and the risks of childhood obesity.

Home-based weight loss treatments COVID-19

Are you worried about COVID-19 complications and being overweight? Or have you gained weight during lockdown and need help to lose it? Accessing weight loss treatments and advice right now might seem difficult while there are still social restrictions across the country. But worry not, Mr Ahmed R. Ahmed, a weight loss specialist from London explains which weight loss treatments he can still offer for home-use and what added benefits there are for losing weight amid this pandemic.

PCOS and Metformin confused overview

The use of metformin and its side-effects can be confusing for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) since there is a lot of misunderstanding circulating about it's contribution to weight loss and whether you should continue using it if you become pregnant. Mr Mahantesh Karoshi, a London-based women’s health expert and gynaecologist clears this all up for us.

Success Charity – life after cure of a childhood brain tumour

In May 2019, distinguished consultant endocrinologist Dr Helen Spoudeas led the launch of Success Charity – a charity exclusively devoted to improving the quality of life of patients surviving a brain tumour in childhood. We interviewed Dr Spoudeas to find out what support the charity provides and why such support is so desperately needed.

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