Artículos del centro: OS Clinic - Orthopaedic and Maxillofacial Specialists Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Swollen and bruised: is my ankle injury serious?

Would you know what to do if you have fallen over and landed awkwardly on your ankle? If your ankle is bruised, swollen and tender, it might be an ankle sprain or it could be broken. Thankfully, one of our expert consultant orthopaedic surgeons Mr Thomas Hester is here to explain what you should do immediately and how to tell if you have a serious ankle injury.

Flat feet kids does my child need treatment

Flat feet in very young children is natural, however, the majority grow out of it by the time they reach the age of five. If they don't, it may be the case that they need some form of treatment. Mr Thomas Crompton, a leading consultant paediatric orthopaedic surgeon, looks at why some children never develop arches, the problems it can cause and what can be done about it.

Sciatica vs. back pain: how do they differ?

Sciatica pain radiates along the sciatica nerve, which goes from your lower back through the buttocks and down through the leg, distinctively, on one side, whereas back pain usually occurs from muscle strain. We've asked one of our expert neurosurgeons Mrs Anne Mitchener to explain the difference between both conditions and if there is a test that you can make at home to determine which one you have.

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