If I have endometriosis, am I infertile?

Escrito por: Mr Arvind Vashisht
Editado por: Laura Burgess

How is endometriosis detected?

Unfortunately one of the biggest problems that women with endometriosis face is a delay in diagnosis, and this is a common complaint. Therefore it is important to establish a diagnosis, and establish an understanding of symptoms, treatment options and make a treatment plan for the short and medium term.


Some of the symptoms are related to the location of endometriosis, whether it is detected or affecting the uterus, ovaries, the pouch of Douglas, or the bowels and it can include cysts, a pain felt during sex or in the bowels, and pain when passing urine.

Complete removal of the disease may be impractical or unnecessary in the short term, and yet knowledge of options will be important for the future. It is also important to be aware that there is no crystal ball that can accurately predict the progression or development of the disease or symptoms, and doctors remain unclear as to the best medical or surgical treatments for endometriosis. That is why individualised plans are important for each woman depending on her own individual circumstance at the time.

Can endometriosis cause infertility?

For many women, there are concerns about fertility. Some studies have shown a reduction in a woman’s ability to fall pregnant because of endometriosis and it is therefore important to ensure that there is an objective pragmatic assessment of this for each woman. There are other conditions that often cause similar concerns in this regard such as polycystic ovaries. 

In this condition, there may be some reduction in a woman's ability to fall pregnant but many are able to fall pregnant successfully without interventions. Successful pregnancy is often due to a multiple array of factors, including male factors, so it is important to consider the whole picture when the time is appropriate.

Many women who have endometriosis have absolutely no problems whatsoever in falling pregnant.

How does endometriosis affect my pregnancy?

For many, pregnancy offers a welcome respite from their monthly symptoms. The pregnancy itself is usually treated as a normal pregnancy without the requirements for any particular special interventions, unless the woman had undergone particularly complicated surgery, or was known to have very severe disease affecting particular organs or structures.

For expert advice, do not hesitate to book to see a specialist.

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Por Mr Arvind Vashisht

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