Artículos del doctor: Mr Rohit Madhav Más de 7440 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Hammer toe: prevention, pain relief and treatment

Mr Rohit Madhav, a renowned orthopaedic surgeon, recently spoke with us about solutions for hammer toe. He clarified for us some of the available non-surgical and surgical treatment options. We found our how the difference between mallet toe and claw toe, part of a spectrum of lesser toe deformities that can occur. We also found out the difference between 'flexible' hammer toes and 'fixed' hammer toes'

What causes plantar fasciitis?

Many things can cause pain around the foot and ankle. One common problem responsible for pain in the heel and the sole of the foot is inflammation of the thick band of fibrous tissue on the bottom of the foot – the plantar fascia. Expert orthopaedic surgeon Mr Rohit Madhav explains plantar fasciitis.

What happens when you rupture your Achilles tendon?

According to Greek legend, the hero Achilles was killed by an arrow to the back of his heel. But if he were alive today, modern medicine would patch up his tendon injury and put him back on the battlefield within six months. We asked consultant orthopaedic and trauma surgeon Mr Rohit Madhav how treatment for Achilles tendon rupture works – and when you too can return to the modern battlefield (sport).

What is a foot and ankle specialist?

From sprains and strains to bunions and breaks, a foot and ankle specialist is a type of orthopaedic surgeon, who, while dealing primarily with one part of the body, will treat a wide variety of physical problems. In this interview, expert and Top Doctor Mr Rohit Madhav explains what it means to be a foot and ankle specialist.

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