357 Articoli medici su Cardiologia Più di 5815 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

When to consider angioplasty and stents for heart health

In the second part of his series on angioplasty and stents, Dr Dwayne Conway gives us his insights on when to consider angioplasty and stents for heart health. In emergencies like heart attacks, quick action is crucial. But for stable symptoms, there's a choice between immediate procedures and taking medication. Patients and doctors work together to find what's best. Lifestyle changes and medication can be effective too, but each has its pros and cons. Understanding these options helps patients make informed decisions about their heart health.

Deciphering chest pain: Causes and when to seek help

Chest pain is a common symptom that can cause worry and anxiety for many individuals. While it’s important to take chest pain seriously, not all instances of chest pain indicate a serious medical condition. Understanding the possible causes and knowing when to seek medical attention can help alleviate concerns and ensure appropriate care. In his latest online article, Dr Sothinathan (Nathan) Gurunathan explores the various causes of chest pain and provides insight into when it may be necessary to seek medical help.

Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors

Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors

Left atrial appendage occlusion (LAAO): Modern cardiac care for atrial fibrillation

Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) has launched a new service utilising state-of-the-art cardiac care to reduce the risk of stroke in patients who have atrial fibrillation. Here to provide his expert insight into this new procedure, called left atrial appendage occlusion (LAAO), is Dr Ashan Gunarathne, renowned consultant interventional cardiologist at NUH and associate professor.

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