80 Articoli medici su Pediatria Più di 5815 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

All about autism and Asperger's syndrome in girls

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and Asperger's syndrome are neurodevelopmental conditions that affect how individuals interact and communicate with others. While these conditions are often associated with boys, it's essential to recognise they can also affect girls. Leading neurodevelopmental paediatric consultant Dr Nikki Baatjes provides insights into autism and Asperger's syndrome in girls to help parents and caregivers better understand and support their children.

A parent's guide to hay fever

Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is a common allergic reaction that affects millions of people worldwide. It typically occurs when the immune system overreacts to allergens in the air. In his latest article, renowned consultant paediatrician Dr Mugilan Anandarajan explains how parents can help their children find relief and minimise its impact on their daily lives.

Navigating PoTS: Insights and strategies

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) is a condition where the heart rate increases abnormally upon standing. It's a challenge for those affected, causing symptoms like palpitations, dizziness, fatigue, and cognitive issues. Simple tasks like standing in line become difficult as the body struggles to regulate blood flow and pressure. In his latest online article, Dr Pramod Nair gives us his insights.

Desensitisation therapy for allergies in children: part 1

Desensitisation, or immunotherapy, is a treatment for allergies where individuals are exposed to increasing amounts of the allergen to reduce immune reactivity. It aims to lessen allergy symptoms and decrease medication dependence. This method is effective for allergies like hay fever, allergic asthma, and insect venom reactions. Distinguished consultant paediatrician Professor Nick Makwana explains how it can be used to enhance the quality of life for children and their families.

Eczema in children: a parent’s guide

As parents, we always want what's best for our children, especially when it comes to their health and well-being. Eczema, a common skin condition in children, can often be a source of concern and confusion. Experienced consultant paediatrician Dr Abraham Neduvamkunnil provides a guide for parents, explaining what eczema is, its symptoms, possible triggers, and how to manage and alleviate its effects on your child's skin.

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