Articoli del medico: Mr Mo Akmal Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Stem cell therapy for back pain sufferers

Stem cell therapy, also known as regenerative medicines, is an exciting innovation in biological science that is now being used to help chronic back pain sufferers. Leading orthopaedic spinal surgeon Mr Mo Akmal explains how stem cells work, what they repair exactly and how they can be used in cases of spinal degeneration or injury.

Spinal endoscopy: a revolution in spinal surgery

In the past, spinal surgery was a major operation, involved a number of risks, and resulted a long period of recovery. With the help of endoscopic tools, however, many of the procedures surgeons carry out can be done much more safely and quickly. We asked leading orthopaedic spinal surgeon Mr Mo Akmal to explain how spinal endoscopy works and which patients can benefit.

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