Articoli del medico: Mr Shibby Robati Più di 6851 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Same-day hip replacements: A new era in surgery

In the realm of orthopaedic surgery, advancements continuously reshape the landscape of patient care. One such innovation, day case hip replacements, is revolutionising how individuals undergo this transformative procedure. Traditionally requiring a hospital stay spanning several days, hip replacements are now being performed with remarkable efficiency, allowing patients to return home on the same day. In his latest online article, Mr Shibby Robati delves into the intricacies of day case hip replacements, exploring their benefits, challenges, and the future they promise in orthopaedic surgery.

Same-day knee replacement: A new approach to surgery

Orthopaedic surgery continually evolves, and innovations like day case knee arthroplasty are changing how knee conditions are managed. This outpatient approach allows patients to undergo knee replacement surgery and return home on the same day, offering convenience, potential cost savings, and faster recovery times. In this online article, we get an insight into the practical benefits and considerations of day case knee arthroplasty.

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