Mr Jean Marc Guichet

в London

MD PhD Doct Sci

Mr Jean Marc Guichet Эксперт в области:

Почему это врач высшего уровня?

*Перевод с переводчиком Google. Мы приносим извинения за любые несовершенства

  • Отношение врача
  • Обращение со стороны персонала
  • Ожидание в консультации
  • Состояние инфраструктуры
Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.

Мнения пациентов

Подтвержденный пациент

Вы рекомендовали бы к врачу?

  • Отношение врача
  • Обращение со стороны персонала
  • Ожидание в консультации
  • Состояние инфраструктуры

Comentario paciente

Mr. Guichet and his team changed my life and make my dream come true. With their experience, expertise, professionalism and dedication, they were able to turn what was supposed to be an extremely challenging process into an unforgettably amazing journey.

Respuesta al comentario del paciente
Thank you so much for your kind words! We're thrilled to hear that Mr. Guichet and the team could make such a positive impact on your life and help make your dream a reality. Your satisfaction and happiness mean the world to us, and it's wonderful to know that our experience, expertise, professionalism, and dedication made the process a memorable and enjoyable journey for you.

Подтвержденный пациент

Вы рекомендовали бы к врачу?

  • Отношение врача
  • Обращение со стороны персонала
  • Ожидание в консультации
  • Состояние инфраструктуры

Comentario paciente

Dr. Guichet is not only the greatest surgeon that I have met, but he is a great human being too. He is not only professional, but also kind, patient and empathic. He makes so called "painful experiences" to be as smooth as possible. He is fulfilling the true meaning of a doctor.

Respuesta al comentario del paciente
Thank you for your heartfelt comment! We're delighted to hear that Dr. Guichet has made such a significant impact on your experience. Your kind words mean a lot to us, and we'll be sure to share them with Dr. Guichet. Wishing you continued health and happiness!

Enfermedades, Pruebas y Tratamientos

Otra información de interés de Jean Marc Guichet

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