Articoli del centro: Dental Confidence Più di 6926 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Overcoming dental phobia with Dr Sanders

Due to a negative experience in her childhood, Sue had developed a serious phobia of visiting the dentist and dreaded the thought of undergoing any dental treatment. Thanks to Peter Sanders and his understanding of phobias, however, Sue has received first-class dental care over the last 35 years. Here she explains why she values his care so highly to show you that Dr Sanders could be the right dentist for you.

PRGF treatment for dental procedures

Dr Peter Sanders is a highly experienced dentist that has always given importance to the comfort and care of his patients. Over the years, Dr Sanders has incorporated state of the art technology, (once efficacy and safety are proven), to ensure he is always able to offer the very highest level of comfort. We spoke to him about PRGF treatment, a revolutionary technology that vastly improves the healing process os oral surgery and dental implants. We spoke with him recently to discuss PRGF treatment and what can be expected.

Dental Confidence clinic: a patient's experience with teeth implants

Having lost two crowns and cracked the roots of two other teeth, patient Lloyd Burton was in good hands as expert dental implantologist Dr Peter Sanders who left him full of confidence with his new smile after a positive experience. Here Lloyd gives an insight into what you can expect if you chose to have dental implants with Dr Sanders.

Dental phobia and implant treatment

If you dread the thought of visiting the dentist, you’re not alone. “Dentophobia” (a fear of the dentist and dental procedures) is very common, and many people experience some level of fear, discomfort and/or anxiety when visiting the dentist. Dr Peter Sanders and his team at Dental Confidence go the extra mile to ensure his patients are relaxed and able to receive dental implants. Find out how Dr Sanders and his team help all patients receive much needed dental treatment, no matter their fears.

Dental implant training kicks off at The University of Portsmouth Dental Academy

Dr Peter Sanders, one of the UK’s leading implantologists, is collaborating with the University of Portsmouth Dental Academy to launch dental implant courses specifically designed for dentists and dental care professionals. Read on to find out what this will mean for the quality of professional implant dentistry available to patients around the country.

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