Articoli del centro: Mount Alvernia Hospital - part of Circle Health Group Più di 6851 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Retzius sparing prostatectomy: a quick guide

A Retzius-sparing prostatectomy is a surgical technique aimed at removing the prostate gland while preserving the Retzius space, a potential space between the bladder and the pelvic floor. This approach seeks to minimise damage to surrounding structures, potentially reducing postoperative complications such as urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction. Distinguished consultant urological surgeon Mr Wissam Abou-Chedid discusses the surgery, including its potential benefits and the ideal candidate for the surgery.

Low dose radiotherapy for hip osteoarthritis

Hip osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease where the cartilage in the hip joint breaks down, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. It typically affects older adults and results from wear and tear, leading to inflammation and bone spurs. One method to help alleviate the symptoms of this condition is low-dose radiotherapy. Leading consultant radiotherapy specialist and clinical oncologist Dr Richard Shaffer explains how it can manage the symptoms, how it compares to surgical methods and risk factors linked to the treatment.

Radiotherapy for knee osteoarthritis

Radiotherapy for knee osteoarthritis involves low-dose radiation targeting the knee joint, which reduces pain and inflammation and improve function and mobility. This treatment can offer symptomatic relief when other conservative measures fail. Here to explain more is distinguished specialist and clinical oncologist Dr Richard Shaffer, who discusses how radiotherapy can alleviate pain caused by knee osteoarthritis.

Low dose radiotherapy for tennis elbow: how does it work?

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition involving inflammation of the tendons on the outer side of the elbow, often caused by repetitive wrist and arm motions. One option which can be used to alleviate the symptoms of this condition is low dose radiotherapy. Leading radiotherapy specialist and clinical oncologist Dr Richard Shaffer explains how radiotherapy can help pain caused by tennis elbow, and its benefits over other treatment methods for the condition.

Radiotherapy for trochanteric bursitis

Trochanteric bursitis is inflammation of the bursa near the outer hip, causing pain, tenderness, and stiffness. It often results from overuse or injury, with symptoms aggravated by hip movement. It may be surprising to some, but radiotherapy can be used to relieve symptoms. Dr Richard Shaffer is here to explain more about how radiotherapy can aid management of the condition.

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