Articoli del centro: The Lister Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare Più di 5815 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Prostate cancer: What you need to know

Prostate cancer remains a significant health concern, affecting approximately one in six men in the UK during their lifetime. In his latest online article, Professor Rakesh Heer delves into the various risk factors contributing to prostate cancer development and explores preventive measures to reduce these risks. From age and ethnicity to genetic predispositions and lifestyle factors, understanding these influences is crucial for early detection and prevention efforts.

Understanding patellar tendonopathy: Insights and solutions

In his latest online article, Mr Ben Spiegelberg gives us his insights into patellar tendonopathy. Patellar tendonopathy is a prevalent knee condition that impacts the patellar tendon, linking the patella to the tibia. This crucial tendon is an integral part of the extensor mechanism responsible for straightening the knee during activities like walking, running, and jumping. The primary culprit behind this condition is often repetitive jumping, leading to minuscule tears within the tendon that fail to heal, transforming into a chronic injury.

An expert’s guide to weight loss medicine

Weight management is a problem that we can all struggle with, and for some, weight loss is an extremely lengthy and difficult process. In recent years, the discovery of weight loss medicine has made some people believe that there is a solution to their problems. However, are weight loss medicines really effective? Leading general, gastrointestinal and bariatric surgeon Mr Ahmed R. Ahmed provides a comprehensive guide to weight loss medicine, including the various types available and potential side effects of weight loss drugs.

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