Articoli del centro: Woodlands Hospital - part of Circle Health Group Più di 5815 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

All about getting a 400cc breast implant

Are you considering having breast implants? A contributing factor to your decision could be size. One of the most popular is 400cc, but - is it for you? Here to answer some of the most commonly-asked questions about the 400cc breast implant, including just how big is they are, the risks involved, and how much it costs, is leading consultant plastic surgeon Mr Haitham Kashaba. 

How is breast reduction surgery performed?

There are a wide range of key factors involved in ensuring patients achieve the best possible results from breast reduction surgery. To learn more, we hear from esteemed consultant plastic surgeon Mr Haitham Khashaba, who provides insights into the procedure, as well as the potential risks associated with breast reduction surgery.

Tummy tucks: Are they worth it?

The improvement that tummy tucks can bring to your quality of life doesn’t just stop at aesthetics, but can relieve health issues, too. Leading consultant plastic surgeon Mr Haitham Khashaba discusses exactly why a tummy tuck is worth it, whilst addressing questions about the procedure, how long it lasts and other popular queries about this topic.

Total vs. partial knee replacement: what's the difference?

There are two possible types of knee replacement surgery; partial and total. How do they differ and when is one more suitable than the other? Esteemed consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Andrew Port, who treats patients in Darlington, explains each procedure in detail and discusses other important factors, like chances of revision surgery, potential complications, and more.

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