Articoli del medico: Miss Marie-Klaire Farrugia Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

How urgent is testicular pain?

It can be a scary and frustrating situation when your child or teenager has testicular pain. You may have many questions, such as ‘Is medical attention for testicular pain always necessary?’ Find out how testicular pain specifically affects teenagers and children, its causes and when it's time to see a doctor, in this reassuring and informative article from leading paediatric urologist Miss Marie-Klaire Farrugia.

child kidney reflux treatment

Kidney reflux is a condition that can affect babies and infants in which some of their urine flows in the wrong direction after entering the bladder and goes into the one or both of the ureters, and sometimes the kidneys. Miss Marie-Klaire Farrugia, a leading paediatric urologist, discusses the principal causes and the various treatments available to relieve your child of this problem.

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