Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.
Opiniones de los pacientes
Paciente verificado
¿Recomendaría el doctor?
Trato del doctor
Trato del personal en consulta
Espera en consulta
Estado de las instalaciones
Comentario paciente
I can’t rate Mr Elledge enough. He was attentive & patient from the first appointment, providing a prompt diagnosis & working with me on a treatment plan. As an anxious patient, he was reassuring throughout, listening to my concerns & making me feel at ease. Highly recommend.
T H.
Paciente verificado
¿Recomendaría el doctor?
Trato del doctor
Trato del personal en consulta
Espera en consulta
Estado de las instalaciones
Comentario paciente
Made me feel at ease throughout all my appointments and operation
Paciente verificado
¿Recomendaría el doctor?
Trato del doctor
Trato del personal en consulta
Espera en consulta
Estado de las instalaciones
Comentario paciente
no changes need had good surgeon and felt save and 3 yrs on still good after my operation no problem. and understood what was what was in good hands
Respuesta al comentario del paciente Many thanks. It was a pleasure to look after you and see things going so well at your annual review for your temporomandibular joint replacement (TMJR) surgery! Here's to another pain free year ahead!
K C.
Paciente verificado
¿Recomendaría el doctor?
Trato del doctor
Trato del personal en consulta
Espera en consulta
Estado de las instalaciones
Comentario paciente
Mr Elledge is extremely knowledgeable and has a perfect bedside manner. He made me feel at ease immediately. Meticulous in his work, he reconstructed my top lip with such precision, my vermillion border meets perfectly. You can hardly tell I've had surgery. Definitely recommend.
Respuesta al comentario del paciente Am so glad you are happy with the outcome and everything has settled well. It means the world and to get you cancer free and back to full self-confidence is brilliant. Wishing you all the best!
Mr Elledge is a friendly and professional surgeon. He discussed my procedure in detail with me beforehand and thanks to his expertise, the procedure went well and the outcome was better than I had anticipated. I could not have expected greater care.
23rd May 2022
Escrito por un paciente privado
There was a friendly welcoming environment in the clinic and the whole team were friendly and reassuring. I felt like the procedure was described to me clearly and I felt confident with Mr Elledge’s professional manner and attitude. The procedure was very successful and I was given advice about after care of my scar. I would definitely recommend Mr Elledge whole heartedly.
4th April 2022
Escrito por un paciente privado
Was informed of what I had and how it was going to be treated,operation was very quick and painless
4th April 2022
Escrito por un paciente privado
Mr Ross Elledge is an extraordinary surgeon. He has a wonderful 'bedside manner' does not talk down to you, he explains everything to you in detail, makes you feel totally comfortable before any procedure is commenced. He has an exemplary staff who are both courteous, patient and understanding.
There are many good surgeons in practice, but Mr Elledge is certainly one of the best I have had the privilege to encounter. Here is a man who is everything the NHS needs and is crying out to keep. The NHS needs more surgeons like Mr Elledge and he is to be applauded for his total commitment to the profession.
Fuente : Toda la información contenida en esta página, así como los horarios de consulta disponibles, están proporcionados directamente por el médico, que tiene la posibilidad de actualizarlos en todo momento con el fin de mantener la información lo más precisa posible.
Lun 10 Mar.
Mar 11 Mar.
Mié 12 Mar.
Jue 13 Mar.
Vie 14 Mar.
15 Mar.
Mr Ross Elledge
Lo sentimos, pero esta hora acaba de ser reservada por otro usuario. Selecciona otra hora por favor.
Es posible que la primera consulta la realice otro especialista del equipo médico, ¿desea pedir la cita igualmente?
What you need to know:
Life-threatening emergencies:
If you’re experiencing life-threatening symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath, we always recommend calling 999 instead of booking an appointment.
Before you get started:
If you want an appointment within the next two days, please call us on 01218159223 instead of booking online.
If your insurer will be paying for your appointment, please have your policy number and authorisation code ready.
Booking an appointment:
Online consultant bookings can’t be made if the booking is for a child under the age of 18 or if you’re booking to see a cancer specialist. This service is for consultations only, so please contact your consultant’s office if you are making an appointment for a procedure.
Confirming your appointment:
We will confirm your appointment by email after you make your booking.
Top Doctors
Pago en la consulta del doctor
1ª Consulta:
Pago anticipado con Top Doctors
1ª Consulta:
£200 (-9 %)
£125 (-11 %)
Seguros médicos aceptados:
I'm paying for myself
Alliance Health Group
Asia Medical Assistance
Benenden Health
Bupa Global
CS Healthcare
General Medical
Health Now
International SOS
I’m paying with insurance
Legal & General Insurance
National Assurance
PMI Health Group
Police Mutual
Pru Health
Simply Health
Standard Life
The Exeter Friendly
"Las compañías de seguros no patrocinan la aparición de especialistas o clínicas en Top Doctors. Cualquier mención de una compañía de seguros es únicamente para indicar que estas clínicas o especialistas aceptan este tipo de seguro médico."
Sáb 25 Ene.
Dom 26 Ene.
Lun 27 Ene.
Mar 28 Ene.
Mié 29 Ene.
30 Ene.
Mr Ross Elledge
Lo sentimos, pero esta hora acaba de ser reservada por otro usuario. Selecciona otra hora por favor.
Es posible que la primera consulta la realice otro especialista del equipo médico, ¿desea pedir la cita igualmente?
Algunos seguros médicos están incluyendo la cobertura de los servicios de telemedicina, por favor consulte con su asegurado o directamente con la consulta médica si cubren los servicios de videoconferencia.
All e-Consultation sessions are recorded for indemnity purposes and are in line with GDPR.
The payments listed above are accepted on behalf of the Doctor as part of e-Consulation. This service is provided directly by Top Doctors® for which a fixed handling fee is received.
A continuación vas a contactar con un médico y aceptas que el doctor pueda efectuar el cobro correspondiente a este servicio. Recuerda que puedes contactar con el 112 en caso de urgencia o si necesitas asistencia de forma inmediata.
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Opiniones de los pacientes
K. Paciente verificado
¿Recomendaría el doctor?
Comentario paciente
I can’t rate Mr Elledge enough. He was attentive & patient from the first appointment, providing a prompt diagnosis & working with me on a treatment plan. As an anxious patient, he was reassuring throughout, listening to my concerns & making me feel at ease. Highly recommend.
T H. Paciente verificado
¿Recomendaría el doctor?
Comentario paciente
Made me feel at ease throughout all my appointments and operation
J. Paciente verificado
¿Recomendaría el doctor?
Comentario paciente
no changes need had good surgeon and felt save and 3 yrs on still good after my operation no problem. and understood what was what was in good hands
Respuesta al comentario del paciente
Many thanks. It was a pleasure to look after you and see things going so well at your annual review for your temporomandibular joint replacement (TMJR) surgery! Here's to another pain free year ahead!
K C. Paciente verificado
¿Recomendaría el doctor?
Comentario paciente
Mr Elledge is extremely knowledgeable and has a perfect bedside manner. He made me feel at ease immediately. Meticulous in his work, he reconstructed my top lip with such precision, my vermillion border meets perfectly. You can hardly tell I've had surgery. Definitely recommend.
Respuesta al comentario del paciente
Am so glad you are happy with the outcome and everything has settled well. It means the world and to get you cancer free and back to full self-confidence is brilliant. Wishing you all the best!